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Prove of Drug Viscosity Quality by Static Local Residence Time

Photo du rédacteur: Jingjing XueJingjing Xue

#Measurement Pharmaceutics

Lidocaine is an established topical anesthetic which blocks the sensory nerve endings of the cornea.

The anesthetic gel is especially interesting when it will be well maintained on the eye cornea surface for as long as possible . According to the standard of some existing products, a minimum time duration of 5 minutes is required.

Dynamic viscosity offers a good method to determine the physico-chemistry property of a product. However, in clinical use, the gel is applied directly on the eyes in static conditions. So the dynamic viscosity alone doesn’t reflect the eye gel static performance under practical clinic situations. And it could not differentiate differences between different types of products.

In this proposed method, it is shown how static residence time can be used to gain additional dimension of information on ophthalmology drugs. The results of this approach will enable ocular health practitioners to know the exact effect of anesthetic eye drops residence time on cornea and take necessary precaution on its use.

Purpose of the study is to show the different types of eye drops give different resident time performance. Visual evaluation of the different eye drops had already shown. Static residence time measurements were proposed as quantitative methods to prove the same.


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